Monday, November 21, 2022

What Is Accessibility When It Comes to Disability Inclusion

Today I had a meeting with my supervisor from my work study and she tasked me to work on adding pictures on to the work website. She asked me to reach out to someone who had done some work on how to make pictures accessible, to ensure that the pictures I put up were accessible to everyone. 

It had me thinking🤔🤔 

When you think about accessibility, what comes to your mind? 
We see signs and posters such as the one below to indicate if the space is accessible. But what truly is accessibility?
An Accessibility Icon
Have you ever left your home worrying about how you were going to navigate your way to your destination, or how you would be able to communicate with the people you are going to meet? 

Of course, these scenarios can be true for people in a foreign place but imagine feeling foreign in your place?

 Accessibility is making sure that every activity that we do can accommodate people with disabilities. It can be making a brail copy or an audio version of a book for someone who is visually impaired or making an accessibility ramp for someone who is wheelchair bound.

In this era of technology, we must make sure that people with disabilities are not left out in tech. It can be as simple as putting picture descriptions on websites or even your work or school documents that contain picture so that someone who is visually impaired can also know what the picture entails.

Accessibility should not be an action that is foreign to us but instead each one of us has a responsibility to society to make our spaces more accessible. 

Midnight thoughts
A picture of Mary on her working desk

Exploring the Current State of Accessible Infrastructure

When I was doing my internship at the University of Zambia in the summer of 2022, I was introduced to the world of disability inclusion. One...